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IPL course on Management and Advanced Tec in Mineral Resources opens doors to the digital transition

With 12 students already enrolled and 3 placed in the 3rd phase, this course represents a decisive initiative for the qualification of human resources and for the digital transition of organizations in the sector. The importance of this type of educational initiative is even more evident in the light of the study “Impact of Digital Technologies on Productivity and Exports in the Portuguese Ornamental Stones Sector”, published in June 2020. This study concludes that the investment of 1 € in qualification and digitalization can provide a return for companies in the sector, in the first 5 years, between 5 € and 12.5 € for each euro invested.

The enrolled students are already mostly integrated in companies in the sector of mineral resources with the expectation of improving their skills and knowledge, and thus contribute to the technological, economic and social evolution of the companies in which they are currently collaborators.

This course will enable you to acquire skills in the operation of special equipment, in planning and executing manufacturing, in technological improvement and development, as well as in transmitting notions of relationship with customers and suppliers, of operations management and of hygiene and safety, in a context of sustainability. It is a unique course at national level, based on a collaborative network that involves entrepreneurs, business associations and municipalities, from a perspective of regional development and international projection.

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